Hello my name is ricky ginanjar and I would glad to tell you how to pass TOEFL on Listening Section, well basicly I’ve been beaten my toefl score from 400 to 450 hahaha just kidding. First step you may take is breakfast before the test and everyone knew it! Nah kidding this is just an optional step. The real first step you should take is study hard & work hard. Yeah those really helpful when you want to pass the test, the second step you have to take is prepare yourself before the test or it’s gonna be worst if you don’t do it. Because this is Listening Test so the third step you should take is just focus on your test, focus what does the speaker say, and you have limited time to answer so don’t mark your answer first but just remember what your answer or note it on your paper test or you will lose your time and after listening section has end you can mark your answers. The last step after you’re doing your test is Pray Hard. That’s all step to pass listening section that I just want to tell to, grazie.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
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